Two Medstar Employees Act Quickly To Save Life
Today, we recognize Mackenzie Krolczyk and Sydney Jovaisa!
We were contacted by Ascension St. John Hospital to follow up on the care provided to a patient in the City of Eastpointe. A153 arrived after a two minute response to find a female having chest pain radiating to her right arm that started 2 hours prior while at rest.
With assistance from our first responder partners at Eastepointe Fire Department, the patient was loaded into the ambulance, and further assessment revealed a dangerous ECG rhythm (ST elevation in four leads.) An IV was established on scene, and cardiac medications were administered after transport was initiated.
Because of the care provided by Mackenzie and Sydney, the patient was moved immediately to the cath lab upon arrival at the hospital, and a successful catheterization was performed and stents inserted.
Great job, Mackenzie and Sydney!